Oct 28, 2009

Docomo X Tetsujin-28

Yess, they could really make a great movie with this CG of Tetsujin-28 running amok in the busy streets of Japan, and in fact they already did. It was release in 2005 and guess what? I still haven't watch it yet (seen the movie trailer on Youtube but can't find the movie yet...*cries*)

Cool Huh? I wonder why the Tetsujin-28 movie doesn't have such a nice and detail 3D CG texture T-28 like in this ad? This 30 sec CM was made by NTT Docomo mobile communications to promote their new wireless internet service for PC. 

Anyhow if you're curious about how the movie (2005) looks like, here's a sneak peek at the trailer.

There's also an Americanize version of Tetsujin-28 made by Imagi, the same company that made Astroboy into a movie.

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